1. Discovery

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A fit?

The discovery phase kicks off our web design process. It’s about finding out if we are a fit for one another.

How much does a website cost?

Questions of budget come up early as this is one of the main stumbling blocks. Unfortunately we cannot build a website for a few thousands pounds. We invest serious time and resources into every project, we don't cut corners and we produce quality over quantity. We are primarily web designers in Aberdeen, Scotland, it’s an expensive city and you will certainly find cheaper alternatives… Heck, you can find someone on Fivvr that will design a website for £75, the problem is that whilst it might be a website, it won't be a very good website! We need time to create success for our clients. Whilst we would like to, we can’t suit all sizes of businesses.

What does success look like for you?

We ask this to clarify what you are going to measure success as. Unfortunately some clients have unrealistic expectations with their future targets. A recent conversation revealed they were aiming for a 450% increase in sales within the next 6 months. It was quite an established business too. Whilst possible, it would a very tough to achieve that.

Design process timings

We also need to understand your timeline. A website ready for the end of next week is just not going to happen. Websites come in all different shapes and sizes, it’s hard to gauge an average, a website can take between 6 weeks and 18 months. For a medium sized website that you can update yourself will likely take about 3 months from initial contact to getting the site live.

Things you need to know

  1. Media Surgery is a small team
  2. We a remote team, although primarily based in Aberdeen
  3. Media Surgery pride ourselves on quality not quantity
  4. We are not the cheapest web designers out there
  5. We are not the most expensive either
  6. Media Surgery cannot undertake all sizes of projects and clients
  7. An average website costs £5000-£7000

If you do get in touch with us, even if we are not a fit we will try and help you find a web designer to suit your needs.